Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Lambstead

It's been 3 years since we moved to our beloved new home - The Lambstead - and so many improvements and additions have been made as you can see from these various stages.  Lots of learning curves!  

Dogs, then chickens, then goats and a turkey!  Raised garden beds, attempts at growing vegetables, and all sorts of other adventures.  Philip learning to use a tractor and keeping the landscape beautiful, not to mention the Lambstead trails must be trimmed occasionally - it's such a beautiful place to walk in there with the sunlight falling through the tall, tall trees onto the paths of leaves and pine needles and roots and mushrooms and all sorts of beauty; butterflies and rabbits.  On the trail cams we have seen fox and racoons and possum and deer, wild turkeys, and even a large wild cat of some kind.  We have had lots of eggs from the hens, lots of love from the goats, and especially the dogs. We got Woodrow less than a month after moving in and now also have Gunny and Scout.  Three lovable, entertaining fur babies that love us back.  

So, since we've been kind of busy, I have not posted in 3 years on this blog but ran across it today and thought I would make an update for this Lambstead anniversary weekend - we moved into the house on August 28-30 and closed on August 31, 2015.  Hard to believe its been this long and yet it goes by so fast.  So, happy Lambstead anniversary to us!  Anticipating the ongoing adventure for a long time to come.